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Free Stuff!!

Here are the FREE tools I have created to support you on your journey beautiful!

Enjoy! xxo

April 2023 Intuitive Pick A Card Reading 🥰😽💖✨💸
Amy Dee

April 2023 Intuitive Pick A Card Reading 🥰😽💖✨💸

Email on or DM me on social media a brief overview of why you or the person you are nominating want to work with me. If you are nominating someone, they must ACTUALLY want to work with me. 

Follow me on social @iamamydee or @amydeeintuitive

You can enter yourself and 1 friend a month.......

but PLEASE be genuine and honest with yourself and your current ability to pay for your session or not while acknowledging your worthiness of support if you are in a financially tight spot.

Then you are in the draw. 

This is valid internationally as I work online in this session.

Koha Session.jpg

Podcast's I have been on:

Finding Grace with Hannah Wallace!

Spiritual Queen's Badass Podcast with Emma Mumford

Laundry with La La with Laura Paewai

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